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Wellbeing starts with the gut "If you don't look after your body, where are you going to live?" Anon

There are many aspects to creating good health and well-being. Most discussions on good health either start with the gut, or lead back to the gut!

Our gut microbiome is also known as the second brain or enteric nervous system (ENS). It is responsible for a multitude of the body’s functions.

It is imperative that we feed the gut biome with healthy foods. When good gut bacteria are thriving, they can do their job properly. If they are not well-fed, they may turn to eating the gut lining, or they die, allowing an increase in bad bacteria.

Without the right fuel, they become depleted or confused. This can lead to inflammation and disease. Gut disorders are known as dysbiosis. A good way to treat patients who suffer greatly diminished diversity and abundance of normal gut microbiota, is a faecal transplant from a patient with intact microbiota.

A healthy gut is essential for all areas of health. Links have been found between the rise in a range of disorders including: Auto-immune disorders such as Parkinson’s; Autism spectrum disorders; depression and Alzheimer’s.

Most of immune cells reside along the gut lining and around 90% of the serotonin is produced in the gut, which is responsible for mood, sleep and digestion.

Holistic Nutrition is based on wide research and is about eating for optimal health. If you would like to feel energised and reduce your risk of disease, message me for a chat.

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