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Benefits of Turmeric.

Updated: Nov 10, 2022

Turmeric has oodles of health benefits. It has anti-inflammatory affects on the body. Reducing inflammation is the key to preventing many chronic health disorders. Around 60% of Americans live with an inflammation-related chronic condition. Australia is catching up! Now is the time to source anti-inflammatory foods and look for ways to add turmeric every day!

Curcumin is the main active ingredient in Turmeric. It is a strong antioxidant and possesses powerful anti-inflammatory effects. Curcumin is best absorbed into the body when consumed fresh and with black pepper.

Turmeric can be added to many dishes! ...

Health benefits: Turmeric possesses antioxidants, which protect the body's cells from damage due to oxidative stress.

Turmeric's anti-inflammatory properties are amazing.

Shakshuka is a good opportunity to add some turmeric & black pepper...yum!

Turmeric may help with the following conditions, due to its anti-inflammatory effect and gut healing properties:

  • Hay fever

  • Inflammatory bowel disease

  • Lowering cholesterol

  • Diabetes.

  • Depression - due the gut healing benefits and the fact that some depression may be caused by reduced serotonin.

  • heart disease

  • alzheimers.

Inflammation is often a precursor to many chronic illnesses.

So what is inflammation? An inflammatory response in the body is designed to wake up the immune system and stem cells. An immediate immune response is the body's response to an injury. Molecules, such as platelets and white blood cells are sent to the impacted area and they pull in other chemicals to begin repair.

Chronic inflammation is where the the body's natural responses to start the anti-inflammatory process is impaired. In which case the body stays in an inflammatory state, despite there being no reason. This sustained inflammation can lead to other other health issues.

(Ben Van Handel PhD, Gene Tekmyster, Dr V Pitis, Dr Barry Sears PhD)

to read my inflammation blog click on the link below:

Turmeric is fat soluble, so consuming it with healthy fats will help absorption:

Nuts, seeds, extra virgin olive oil, coconut, eggs, meat, fish, milk, cheese.

Do I need a supplement? Well that's up to you. However studies have shown that turmeric is best absorbed when consumed as food, especially when fresh turmeric is used.

Supplements can be highly beneficial for certain conditions.

With all supplements, it can be a good idea to vary them and have a break - to allow ebb and flow of nutrients into the body.

Is it important to source fresh turmeric? Whilst evidence shows that fresh turmeric has increased benefits over ground turmeric, if using fresh turmeric is putting you off, then it is still good to use the ground turmeric. It's better to do this than consume none at all. Remember to combine it with black pepper. This may be challenging in a chai latte!

Chai latte. Without black pepper, the Curcumin in Turmeric is less well-absorbed, so the amount in a chai latte is likely to have minimal health benefits, however a chai latte is a healthy, warming drink - as long it's made with natural spices and is consumed without sugar. Other warming spices for teas, include cardamom, ginger and cinnamon. All possess anti-oxidants.

A healthy diet and daily exercise will improve your health and help to heal inflammation, reducing your decrease risk of disease.

Stay healthy everyone x0x Laura

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