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The great sugar addiction (and high fructose corn syrup!)

Updated: Feb 16

Humans are hard-wired to seek out sugar. This was key for survival before food was readily available. The problem now, is that sugar is readily available which is a new challenge for the brain, to work out how much sugar to seek out and consume!

There's an excess of inexpensive, addictive foods wreaking havoc on the health of humans today. In fact, there's an excess of all foods available!

However, if you choose healthy, whole-foods, your body is more likely to have a balance of stored nutrients for fuel source as well as a balanced, micro-biome & healthy gut bacteria. A healthy body is less likely to crave addictive foods, such as sugar and processed foods.

Fuel for the brain is glucose (*or ketones - but that's another discussion)

The brain needs glucose to function, however it derives glucose from naturally occurring sugars in foods: Carbohydrate foods, such as nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruits, raw honey.

Sugar is addictive:

Withdrawing from sugar can feel like a panic attack and cause irritability, confusion, fatigue and anxiety.

Sure, we all love a treat! I often have a few chips and chocolate on hikes sometimes (1-2 times a month)

It might be time to check in on how many treats you're having, the quality of the treats and what else you're eating. BALANCE ie key

Be honest with yourself.

Sugar is everywhere.

The Kelloggs brothers ran a health sanitarium and these two brothers disagreed about the idea of adding sugar to the cornflakes. One brother noticed that people consumed more of their morning cereal when sugar was added to it. Realising this would lead to increased sales of their products, He added the sugar when the other brother was away.

This is said to be pivotal to the gradual decline in the the Standard American Diet, know as SAD.

Unfortunately, the USA is not the sole victim of this anymore, and this diet of processed "foods" has spread across many other countries, causing an epidemic of insulin resistance, diabetes, metabolic disorders and chronic illness. It's sad to see the health of populations across Asia and Europe, who have boasted eons of excellent health, decline so rapidly.

Sugar has been around for 1000's of years, however it's mainly become a problem since it became cheaper and mass produced. Also, since people outsourced their diet to food manufacturers, instead of growing it themselves. In addition to lack of movement and the consumption of factory meat, lack of vegetables and processed foods, containing excess sugar, preservatives and fake flavourings, means people's health is suffering.

Modern diets often lack plants for fibre, to provide fuel for the good gut bacteria.

We revere sugar. Celebrations and morning teas across the world have cake, alcohol, lollies & processed foods at centre stage, along with refined foods, party pies etc.

Our faces light up, we love to be the person who brings the amazing desert, which gets all the applause! We use it as bribes to get kids to eat their savoury food. We convince ourselves we "deserve" it after a workout..

High Fructose Corn Syrup: Fatty liver disease, diabetes, obesity, the list goes on...

This is a BIG problem. HFCS, is insidiously creeping in to so many products on the shelves; including many yoghurt brands, dips, drinks, sauces, condiments, ready meals and processed cheese products.

A study showed that fructose did not stimulate the area of the brain which controls appetite, which means you're at increased risk of consuming too many calories from foods containing HFCS.

HFCS increases risk of diabetes, by increasing insulin resistance. This substance also increases risk of Fatty liver syndrome. Fructose can increase liver fat, to a greater extent than glucose.

Remember to READ THE LABELS an avoid any processed corn or maize products.

It is believed that people on average consume around 300% more sugar than people consumed 50 years ago.

So, if you like to eat sugary foods and always have done, and think it's fine, ask yourself:

Are you feeling amazing, healthy, energised? Do you sleep well, think clearly, have great digestion and sustained energy? There's no risk, or sign of Alzheimer's, heart disease, cancer, depression, diabetes, Parkinson's, allergies, headaches, dry skin, dermatitis, migraines, or body aches for you?

If you can answer yes to all the above, well, great! You're lucky. If you have any of the above challenges, read on! Actually, read on anyway! There might be a family member who could do with challenging their love of sugar, sugary treats and high carb processed foods!...

We choose what to put into our bodies. Eat whole foods & real labels. Everything in balance.

Nature provides the sugars we need. I love edible flowers...

What's the problem with sugar?

Along with refined carbohydrate foods, such as cheap crackers, bread, white rice, chips and baked goods, sugar is responsible for a mountain of health issues:

  • Sugar causes inflammation in the body, creating potential for brain disorders, chronic illness & lowered immune function.

  • Sugar adversely affects immune function, by interfering with the balance of gut bacteria, altering the immune response and leaving your body susceptible to infection.

  • If sugary/refined foods replace a meal, your body is being deprived of nutrients which it requires, for cell repair and to function optimally.

  • Effects of sugar can cause changes in the essential gut microbiome. The beneficial gut bacteria and other microbes in our gut can be depleted by sugar. When we have less good bacteria, the gut environment gives rise to an increase in bad bacteria which can result in a multitude of chronic illnesses and diseases, including cancer.

  • Sugar can interfere with your ability to deal with stress, by interfering with the natural way your body deals with stress.

  • Alzheimers, dementia, parkinsons, depression, anxiety, cancers, heart disease, diabetes, Crohn's disease, IBS and GERD. These are some of the conditions for which sugar puts your body is at increased risk.

  • Signals to the brain may be affected: Sugar affects the absorption of Tryptophan in the body. Tryptophan is and essential amino acid (protein) responsible for helping the body make proteins and some brain signalling chemicals. Tryptophan is a precursor to Serotonin production, which is regulated by gut bacteria

  • Increased risk of depression. Depletion of good gut bacteria affects serotonin in the gut.

  • Chemical sprays. Much of the sugar produced is sprayed with glyphosate, a herbicide, which kills weeds and helps dry out the crop ready for processing. This can cause cancer.

  • Sugar is addictive - it provides a a short term hit, then leaves you wanting more.

  • Sugar fills the gap of a nutritious food, so the body has less nutrients to keep the cells healthy, which can increase risk of disease.

  • The amount of sugar consumed as gone up.

  • There's so much hidden sugar, in sauces, restaurant meals, yoghurts, drinks. Even drinks like sachets for chai tea, coffee flavourings.

  • There's so much high fructose corn syrup.

  • Humans have become more sedentary and exercise less.

The Bliss Factor

"Salt sugar fat". In this famed book, Michael Moss explores how our relationship with these compounds unfolded during the last 100 years or so. Billions of $$ has been invested by the food giants, with universities, to discover the ultimate response in humans, to make us crave more and more. This is known as the "bliss" factor created in foods, to drive sales.

Mass produced grains

The food giants which have the world hooked on mass produced grains, have a lot to answer for. They are producing foods which lack nutrients, are mostly GMO, are grown in soil which lacks biology and are resistant to pesticides. Us humans face some big challenges if we want to stay healthy and feed the world.

Need a sugar boost? Try these instead:

  1. smoothie with fruit, almond butter, avocado and chia seeds

  2. carrots & hummus

  3. sweet potato cubes & cashews

  4. yoghurt with fruit & hemp seeds

  5. Add the occasional square of dark chocolate to a meal or any of the above "meal bites"

  6. Adding some fats & proteins will satisfy your body for longer, creating more sustained energy.

  • pineapple: carbohydrates, fibre, enzymes for digestion.

  • goji: antioxidants, carbohydrate, fibre

  • pistachios: fats, protein, carbs, micronutrients

  • cheese (grass fed): protein, B12, salt, calcium.


  1. Avoid eating carbohydrate foods on their own, pair with protein and/or fat.

  2. If you'd like something sweet have it after or with a meal. Or try waiting for 20 mins after eating. You may also realise that you don't need it after all once you've eaten a balanced meal.

  3. If you are needing a sugar binge every few days, you're probably not eating a balanced, healthy diet, or gaining enough food. Avoid binges & cravings by eating sustaining, nutritious food most of the time.

Remember, I'm just a message away.

For more health tips, follow on Instagram and let me know if you'd like to receive the weekly health bite emails

Eat Well and Be Well everyone! Love Laura x

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