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The amazing power of brassicas. The benefits of sulfurophane in cruciferous veg.

Updated: Sep 24, 2022

The benefits of the phytochemical sulfurophane have been widely recognised as being powerful in fighting cancer and protecting cells.

Cruciferous veg are part of the Brassica family. They possess this special compound called sulfurophane, which is released when these veggies are chopped or chewed. The following vegetables are included in this super food group:

  • Broccoli

  • Cabbage

  • Brussel's sprouts

  • Bok-choy

  • Kale

  • Kohl Rabi

  • Chinese cabbage

  • cauliflower

  • Rocket/arugula

  • Radish

  • Turnip

SULFUROPHANE: Unleash the super-power: This is a chemical in cruciferous vegetables, which is released when the plant is bitten or chewed and the enzymes in the mouth react with it. This is the property which gives brassica veggies their health benefits. In particular, this compound has been found to have cancer-fighting properties.

This group of veggies also contain many other nutrients, including essential fibre to feed the good but bugs.

Foods in the Brassica family have many known health benefits including reducing risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes, due to a compound called sulfurophane.

Cabbage, kale, bok-choy, broccoli, kohlrabi, turnip, rocket/arugula, Brussels Sprouts, watercress, mustard and cauliflower are brassicas, also known as cruciferous veggies. Their name was inspired by their flowers, with 4 petals, shaped like a cross.

The flowers are edible too.

A broccoli story:

I particularly love stories about how nutrients from food have had the power to heal, and I have heard many good things about this humble vegetable.

I remember listening to a radio interview about a man who'd had prostate cancer. He underwent conventional treatment and also pursued a newfound health journey. He'd heard that broccoli possessed anti-cancerous properties. Accepting that this may or may not be true, he decided it couldn't hurt and added broccoli to his diet. 20 years on and his diet includes a small bowl of broccoli soup daily. He's still healthy.

Whilst most would agree that one story doesn't provide substantial evidence, many other stories like this lead me to read more widely. Studies into nutrients in food are always tricky, because there are too many variables within each individual's life, to be able to draw conclusions. However, there is enough broad evidence, to show that nutrients in broccoli have the power to improve health outcomes for us and reduce risk of chronic illness.

Chop up cruciferous veg at least 30 mins before cooking:

The sulfuraphane is reduced through cooking. To preserve the integrity of the chemical, simply chop up the vegetable for half an hour before cooking. This provides time for the chemical reaction to occur, thus the sulfuraphane is mostly kept intact.

Build your gut microbiome

It's like a catch 22. Cruciferous veg help boost gut health, but some people find them difficult to digest...

If you find broccoli, cabbage & cauliflower hard to digest, it's possible that your gut health needs strengthening. We need a wide array of gut bacteria to break down food property.

  • Try steaming it, rather than eating raw

  • Introduce in small amounts

  • Consume with foods you are already used to

  • Gradually improve the health of your gut, by reducing sugar and processed foods and consuming more fibre & veg.

See blog on Gut Health essentials - 3rd November 2020. Click on the link below.

For the past 20 years, I have been a sponge to every snippet of nutritional info that resonates with me. I have gathered many stories from clients and friends who have had great success with improving their health with nutritious foods and building their gut health.

If you'd like improved health and wellness and don't know where to start, let's chat about health coaching. 30 mins free to find out how we work together.

Laura x

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