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Sweet potato toast with egg and spinach.

Looking for a breaky which is easy, yummy and will nourish your body? This meal contains: Carbohydrates for energy, protein for growth and repair and fats for bringing healthy omegas (great for heart and brain health) and fat soluble vitamins (A,E, D & K) into the body.


Simply slice sweet pototo and bake on a tray in a medium oven - adding a little avocado oil is optional. Rubbing in some turmeric and pepper will add flavour, interest and nutrient content.

Serve with poached or fried egg + spinach & herbs. drizzle with cold pressed virgin olive oil.

Keep the left-over baked sweet potato in the fridge and refresh in the pan or oven when needed.


Sweet potato: Fibre, vitamin A and antioxidants. Essential fibre for feeding good gut bacteria. Vitamin A for eye, skin & reproductive health. Antioxidants for protection of cells from oxidative stress.

Note: Sweet potato leaves are edible too. boiled sweet potato has a lower GI than baked or roasted.

Spinach: Contains iron & folate and antioxidants. The gut bugs also love green veggies.

Egg: Healthy omegas, essential fats and protein, small amounts of B12 & iron.

Note: only eat pasture raised or at least free-range eggs. Factory raised eggs may pose health risks, since the omega balance may be skewed; with more omega 6 than omega 3. Eggs from happy hens makes sense.

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