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Add spice! 5 Super delicious & healthy spices which are easy to add to your meals.

Updated: Dec 6, 2022

Spice up your life!

Many spices have anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants, which protect cells from being damaged by free radicals. Less damage to cells = less risk of disease.


  • High in antioxidants which protect your body's cells from damage

  • Has anti inflammatory properties, so it may be beneficial for brain health, allergies, liver disease, gut healing, depression, heart health and reducing arthritis,

  • Add black pepper to turmeric to enhance curcumin absorption.

  • Curcumin in turmeric is fat soluble, so enjoy with healthy fats: olive oil, coconut milk, pasture-raised meat, nuts, seeds or yoghurt. It’s great in scrambled eggs.

USES: add to curries, stews, egg dishes. Turmeric lattes are good, however, without the black pepper, the absorption of turmeric is limited.


Cinnamon is packed with antioxidants, is anti-inflammatory and may help reduce blood sugar. It is sweet, delicious and soothing on the digestive system.

It comes from the inner bark of the tree and is mostly grown in SE Asia.

USES: It is easy to use ground cinnamon in baking, breaky oats, yoghurt or smoothies.

You can also source cinnamon sticks


  • This versatile spice comes from the root of the tropical ginger plant, which has striking flowers.

  • Ginger is great for digestion. It has digestive enzymes.

  • It contains antioxidants

  • May help boost immune and reduce risk of cancer

  • Tastes great in a huge variety of dishes, including stir-fries, baked goods and smoothies

  • Ginger is delicious in a tea, with lemon & honey. Sometimes I add a few calendula petals, from the veggie patch.

USES: stir-fries and Asian dishes, baking, smoothies, breakfast oats, teas, salads.


One of the most potent spices for antioxidants, clove helps to protect your body's cells from damage from free-radicals. This can reduce cancer risk.

It may improve liver health, stomach ulcers, regulate blood sugar

Clove is anti-microbial and may help boost immune function.

Is may improve energy, mood and sex drive too.

USES: Use small amounts in baking, curries, smoothies & salad dressings.

Use clove oil in an insense burner as a room deordorizer.


  • This spice is subtly sweet, with a great nutty flavour

  • It is delicious in savoury dishes, with salt & pepper or sweet dishes

  • Nutmeg possesses antioxidants

  • It may promote blood flow & immune function

  • Strengthen cognitive awareness

  • It has detoxifying benefits to the body

  • It may help with indigestion and insomnia.

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