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Snack time - with chocolate! Healthy snack ideas for to nourish in a hurry.

Updated: May 13, 2021

These healthy snacks plates were thrown together in just minutes for this blog. We had to then eat them all, so they weren't wasted, so we didn't need as much dinner later! Nutritionally, you might be wondering if you should snack at all between "meals"?

Here's a few tips for quality "snacking", especially for anyone who loves a little bit of chocolate...

Photo: Organic raspberries & baby carrots, dark, (ethical) chocolate, good quality hummus. There's healthy fats, carbs, protein & micronutrients.

I have a few friends & clients who have been able to go cold-turkey on the lollies & chocolates. I too, find that the less I have, the less I need and my taste-buds forget about them. However, if you go without chocolate for 5 days, then find yourself eating a family sized bar in the car before you've even arrived home, it may work for you to have a little each day and just put it to bed. It may help ward-off the cravings & sense of deprivation.

Generally, if you eat nourishing foods throughout the day, at times right for your body, then cravings for unhealthy foods are are less likely. However, sometimes you just need a pick me up. You might feel hungry or actually feel a bit flat, tired or fuzzy.

And what about the boredom eating? ...

Organic brown rice crackers, dark chocolate with banana. A satisfying snack which is super quick to prepare and provides you with good energy to get you through the yoga class, study break or work meeting.

If you have had plenty of nutritious food and still find yourself peering into the fridge and ending up in a boredom eating session, arm yourself with yummy, healthy options before this happens!

Photo: wholegrain rice crackers (flax crackers would also be a good option), hummus, nuts & fruit... This plate has CARBS, FATS, PROTEIN AND MICRONUTRIENTS! With fibre, crunch and taste. Yes, it's that easy :)

Tips for healthy snacking:

  • If you end up super hungry and crave junk food, then try eating healthy foods before you're starving and only want the instant fix.

  • Eat dark chocolate - it contains some useful nutrients, like magnesium & tiny amounts of iron and it is not so "more-ish" as milk chocolate.

  • Crowd it out with a balance of nutritious plant foods.

  • Invest some time in sourcing nutrient-rich foods to have at the front of the fridge & pantry.

  • Keep useful panty staples, like nuts and whole-grain crackers on hand. Keep a variety of veggies and fruits in the fridge and get into the habit of eating these at any time of day.

  • Put all the goodies on the plate, then put the rest away before eating it.

  • Make sure you are hydrated: the signal for thirst is the same as for hunger.

  • Don't need a snack, but need meal ideas? Just choose any of these options and make them a bit bigger, for a quick and easy meal.

  • See how many options you can come up with, the sky is the limit.

Wondering about snacking between meals? ...

A LOWER CARB SNACK (*There's still lovely carbs in all of this). A little protein, plus good micronutrients, great for nutrient intake. Lettuce contains nitric oxide, which boosts oxygen flow around the body.

Should I snack between meals? Honestly, that's up to you. We are all so individual and have different environments, meal times, physical demands and nutritional requirements. Our nutrient intake will vary from week to week & at different stages of life.

Just keep it healthy & try to think of every morsel as a chance to nourish your beautiful body and its trillions of cells, which do a brilliant job of keeping your body functioning optimally for you.


Stay healthy everyone :) xxx

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