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White bean & sweet potato patties. *Easy *vegan *nutrient rich. A great BBQ accompaniment.

Updated: Sep 20, 2022

Vegan friends coming to dinner? Need a gluten free idea?

…These sweet potato patties are easy to make, yummy and versatile - a good accompaniment for BBQs, fish and stews, so everyone can enjoy. Gluten, dairy, meat free, they’re bound to suit most. They can be easily varied by adding different herbs, chopped feta, egg, meat or fish.I also love them with pine nuts for added crunch, protein & healthy fats. They are nutrient dense, with healthy proteins, carbohydrates and fats, and many micronutrients. The flax binds (as egg replacement) and adds protein & fibre.

A delicious, balanced vegan meal can be baking in the oven, whilst salads are being created and lovely pasture-raised fare is on the BBQ.

1 large sweet potato

1-2 medium potatoes

1 onion

2-3 radish – finely chopped

2-3 shallots – finely chopped

2-3 cloves garlic

1 tin white beans

Ground black pepper, salt, turmeric & dried herbs or pinch chili flakes to taste

2-3 large handfuls of chopped rocket

Fresh chopped herbs – coriander or parsley

1 dessert spoon of flax.

A few tablespoons of almond meal - for coating the patty.

*Note: Normally 1 spoonful of flax meal + 3 spoonfuls of water will replace an egg. I find that there’s enough moisture in the boiled veggies to absorb the flax in this recipe, so no need to add extra water.

Boil the potatoes, onion, and tinned beans in some quality veggie stock.

Finely chop the rocket and fresh herbs, radish, shallots and garlic.

Drain the potatoes, add 1-2 teaspoons turmeric, garlic, black pepper and salt to taste.

Add the rest of the ingredients, smash to the desired consistency, ensuring the spices and flax are stirred through.

*I like it rustic & chunky, but it can work mashed.

Place spoonfuls onto an oven tray, sprinkle some almond meal on top and pat into shape – (my quick version, instead of rolling them in the almond meal).

Bake at 200c for approx 20 mins. Or cook on the veggie section of the BBQ (I always burn Patties, so find the oven safer- up to you!)

Delicious served with guacamole and/or ratatouille.


  • Can cook the garlic in with the potato, or add to mix - depends how strong you like it to taste.

  • Serve with vitamin C foods, to absorb the iron.

I recommend a diet rich in unprocessed foods, which are grown as naturally as possible. Source only pasture-raised meat & eggs and wild-caught fish and if using tinned foods, look for organic and BPA free lining.

Hope you enjoy these - Laura xx

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