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Smashed black bean & sweet potato patty

Updated: Sep 16, 2022

Easy. Tasty. Nutritious.

I wasn't intending to write these up, that's why there's no pics of the process! They tasted good and were easy to make, so here's the recipe & nutrition overview:

These patties are low in fat, but rich in protein and carbohydrates, so you'll just need to pair with some fats. I've added guacamole, natural yoghurt and a good drizzle of EVOO.

I soak even canned beans for a few hours - it's not necessary though.

What you'll need:

  • 1 can black beans *non GMO & non BPA lining

  • 1 cup roughly smashed boiled sweet potato

  • 1/2 cup boiled carrot

  • 1 small onion, finely chopped (+ garlic optional)

  • Chopped greens of choice. 1 cup, finely chopped and packed. EG: spinach, rocket/arugula, fresh herbs etc

  • A few grinds of salt to taste, plenty of ground black pepper & Turmeric

  • 1 tablespoon flax meal

  • 1 egg (optional) - pasture-raised

*save the boiled water as stock for soup

What to do:

  1. Chop & cook the sweet potato & carrots, with skin on

  2. Rinse the beans & drain

  3. Use the saucepan as a mixing bowl

  4. Add the beans to the drained sweet spuds & carrots and roughly smash them together

  5. Add the onion, chopped greens & spices

  6. Sprinkle on the flax meal & stir through thoroughly - there's enough water in the boiled veggies to absorb the flax.

  7. I added a lightly beaten egg too, but this is optional.

  8. Shape into patties and place on an oven tray. Bake for around 30 mins on 185/360

Serve with: choice of salad greens and/or green veg.

Add a probiotic food: tempeh, tamari, yoghurt, sauerkraut, kim chi, kombucha. These foods increase numbers of good gut bacteria to your gut. These bacteria share messages with the brain and are key to overall body functioning.

  • Legumes are an excellent source of protein and fibre and an important source of minerals especially for people on vegan diets. They reduce risk of bowel cancer and gut disorders, by building a healthy gut micro-biome. If you find them hard to digest, pair them with enzyme rich foods (see slide below), build gut health (see blog) and soak/prep well before cooking them.

  • Add a vitamin C rich food to the meal, to help absorb the iron from the legumes. Such as orange, berries, pineapple, mango, kiwi, tomato, capsicum.

Nutrition overview:

Vary the legumes you consume throughout the week, they vary in nutrients.

Black beans are rich in iron and cannellini beans are high in protein.

Chick peas are super nutritious and lentils are the easiest legume to digest.

Break down of this meal:

  1. Protein: Black beans, flax meal & yoghurt,

  2. Carbohydrates: Provide energy, fibre to fuel gut bacteria and fuel to the brain. Sweet potato, carrots & black beans (see recent instagram post for more info)

  3. Fats: Avocado, yoghurt, olive oil


Green beans, leeks, asparagus & apples have pre-biotic fibres, great for feeding the beneficial gut bacteria

Micronutrients: Vitamins & Minerals.

This meal is nutrient rich, however may lack B12. For a vegan meal, add some nutritional yeast and people on strict vegan diets are likely to need a B12 supplement (*talk to health practitioner)

Pair these patties with these foods, to aid digestion.


Broccoli, arugula/rocket, cabbage, Brussel's Sprouts and bok choy have cancer-fighting properties (See blog on cruciferous veg - click link below)

Our nutrition needs are unique. It depends on our age, life-style and health-history. Pairings with these patties will also depend on the time of day. Your body may require lower carbs at the evening meal.

These patties are nutrient rich, even on their own. When planning a meal, consider the time of day, energy needs and what you've eaten throughout the day. Then look at the options below for adding sides.

For more healthy fats:

Add nuts, avocado, olive oil, cashew cream, natural yoghurt, a little pasture-raised meat, egg or cheese. sprinkle sesame seeds or hemp seeds over the meal

For a higher protein rich meal

Serve with cashew cream, nuts, yoghurt, hummus, eggs, meat or fish

For a higher carbohydrate meal:

Serve with brown rice, root veggies or quinoa (*quinoa is a high protein grain)

I hope you love your veggie patties. There's no such thing as a silly question, so let me know if you have comments or questions.

Are you keen for improving your gut health, nutrition and overall health? Let's chat. 30 mins free to find out more about how we work together to improve your wellness and reduce risk of chronic illness.

Laura x

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