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Quinoa apricot & ginger slice- gluten & dairy free. Vegan. Great energy & low GI.

Updated: Dec 7, 2022

I love the zing of ginger, earthy flavour with the flax and sweetness of the dried apricots.

This wasn't an easy recipe to develop, since it was tricky to make the quinoa bind to the other ingredients. However it was a satisfying treat, healthy & yum, so thought I'd share. I'm sure you can tweak the recipe to make it your own.

Nutrition overview:

This slice is gluten free, dairy free, oat free and vegan friendly.

  • dried apricots: zinc, magnesium, fibre.

  • quinoa: iron, protein, energy, copper, fibre, copper

  • coconut: carb, protein, fats, magnesium, manganese

  • sunflower seeds: healthy fats, fibre & protein, B6, folate, vitamin E

  • ginger: trace minerals, excellent for gut health

  • hazelnut meal: healthy fats, B6, folate, protein, carbs

  • cinnamon & nutmeg: Anti-inflammatory. Possess antioxidants to keep your body's cells healthy. May help to lower blood pressure, regulate blood sugar, boost digestion & mental health


  • 1 cup cooked quinoa - well drained. I dried it out on a tea-towel for a couple of hours

  • 1/4 cup sunflower seeds

  • 1 cup hazelnut meal

  • 1 cup chopped dried apricots (preservative free - they are brown)

  • Salt to taste -2 -3 grinds

  • 3-4 teaspoons grated fresh ginger

  • cinnamon & nutmeg to taste - around 1 teaspoon cinnamon and 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

  • 2 tablespoons flax meal

  • 4-6 tablespoons water

  • 1/4 cup coconut oil

  • coconut to sprinkle on top

What to do:

  • Pre-heat oven to 180c (360F)

  • *(For extra crunch add the sunflower seeds last to the food processor)

  • Place the ingredients in the food processor, until just blended - but still chunky

  • If it is too dry, or is not sticking together, add more water, more apricots, a couple of dates or an egg.

  • Press firmly into a lined baking tray, to around 8mm think and sprinkle with coconut, press in.

  • Bake for around 20-25 mins

I found that the mixture was crumbly after baking, however it firmed up and stayed together nicely after 24 in the fridge. .

The flavour developed overt the next few days too. It freezes well.

This is a fabulous between-meal snack, or breaky on the go. Remember to eat the slice with some vitamin C fruit, for iron absorption.

Enjoy and stay healthy :)


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