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Pumpkin, kale & Feta Frittata-nutritious food, any time of day. Vegetarian. Gluten free.

  • NOTES:

  • This frittata is easy, gluten free, vegetarian and nourishing.

  • Enjoy warm or cold. It's packed with protein, fats, fibre and vitamins & minerals.

  • Enjoy on it's own, or add a side of lentils, salad, or veg of choice.

  • Use a mix of greens - rocket adds great flavour

I make 2 frittatas - ready to eat over the next few days or freeze a couple of portions.

Here's the ingredients for one frittata in a 9 inch square baking dish

  • 1.5 cups cubed baked pumpkin

  • 1 onion - chopped roughly

  • 170 g (6oz) feta cheese (ethically raised)

  • 2-3 cloves garlic

  • 1 cup baked cauliflower

  • 1 cup finely chopped greens: kale/spinach/rocket

  • 8-9 eggs (pasture-raised)

  • 1 teaspoon turmeric

  • pinch nutmeg

  • black pepper

  • mixed herbs

  • pasture-raised/grass fed grated cheese (optional) for the top

What to do

  1. preheat oven

  2. chop the pumpkin (squash) and place on a baking sheet

  3. chop and bake the onion and place on the baking sheet-drizzle some avocado oil

  4. place in moderate oven for around 30 mins

  5. chop cauliflower. drizzle a little avocado oil Add to the baking sheet after about 15 mins

  6. finely chop the kale/spinach/greens

  7. crack the eggs into a bowl. Add the spices and lightly beat

  8. chop the feta into small cubes

  9. line your baking dish with eco-friendly baking paper

  10. place all the ingredients into the dish and bake in a moderate oven for around 30-40 mins

Leave your delicious frittata to stand for 5-10 mins whilst you prep other veggies and get organised for dinner.

TIP: Cut it up and pop a piece in a to-go container ready to take when you leave the house the next day. Or for dinner the next night.

TIP: no need for salt - the feta has enough salt.

Hi, I'm Laura, an holistic nutritionist. My ethos is using food as medicine. Key areas:

  1. sourcing good quality, whole foods

  2. Learning to enjoy buying and prepping food

  3. Building gut health. We are around 50% microbes. Our gut and brain share messages to keep us healthy

  4. Digestion & gut health are essential for absorbing nutrients.

  5. Healthy food and lifestyle means boosting mood, sleep and digestion, reducing risk of chronic illness.

Are you ready to make changes to improve your health outcomes? However big or small your health goals are, we work together to create ways for you to reach your goals.

No calorie counting. No weighing.

Message me to find out more. I offer a friendly, 30 minute free chat. I share my time between living in Denver, USA and my home town of Nabiac, NSW. FaceTime consulting or in-person.

I hope you enjoy the frittata. Laura.

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