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Green smoothies - The lowdown

Updated: Sep 28, 2022

Goodness, nutrition and oxalates. Are green smoothies good? How many should I drink? Should I add collagen?

Green smoothies are a fabulous way to deliver nutrients into the body.

Green smoothies typically include some fruit, leafy greens, veggies &/or fresh herbs and water. They are detoxifying and nourishing and are often easier to absorb and quicker to eat, than a salad. These are usually rich in micronutrients (vitamins & minerals) and low in macronutrients (protein, fats & carbs).

My fave is orange or pineapple, spinach, nasturtium leaves, avocado, ginger & mint. Sometimes with frozen banana. Watermelon is so refreshing on a hot day.

BALANCE is key! Insufficient nutrient intake will deplete the body's functioning. Too much of any particular nutrient can create an unhealthy mineral imbalance. Your body is super clever at absorbing the nutrients it needs and ensuring mineral balance. Feed it a balanced variety of healthy foods and you're giving your body the best chance at maintaining a balance of minerals and good gut bacteria.

Our bodies need a balance of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. *See previous blogs on each of these. We need a range of micronutrients, many of which are found in fruit and vegetables.

An imbalance of micronutrients can cause a raft of health issues.

I knew a 14 year old girl who became obsessed with green smoothies, after hearing that they were healthy, would lead to weight loss and smooth skin. She sipped them all the time and used them to replace meals. She was a healthy, outgoing young woman.

She began to have seizures. It may not be related, however, her diet lacked a range of essential proteins and fibre. A low fibre diet can cause a depletion in beneficial but bacteria, which may also cause issues with gut-brain communication. She also loved to bake and had a high intake of sugar. There are many factors which could have caused the seizures, but it's a reminder to eat a balanced diet. Not extremes. Nourish your body will all the vital nutrients.

Balance. Balance. Balance!

One example is oxalates in spinach. (Oxalate foods also include: kale, beer, berries, beetroot, beets, beans, coffee). If we have too much spinach, the oxalates can cause the body to store too much calcium. Absorbing too much calcium can create range of health issues, from kidney stones to problems absorbing iron. Too much of any one mineral can block absorption of another mineral.

Please DO keep eating these foods! Just mix it up & consume a variety, along with key proteins and carbohydrates. Smoothies contain more leafy green that you may normally eat.

Spinach is really healthy. A balance might look like this: Raw spinach some days, some days eat it cooked and some days have no spinach. Different nutrients will be absorbed by the variation, allowing a natural ebb and flow of absorption into the body.

*NOTE: Many high oxalate foods are highly beneficial to health: They are packed

with micro-nutrients and antioxidants essential for a healthy body. Especially beets, berries & leafy greens.

More on oxalates in upcoming blog.

A green smoothie a few times a week is super healthy. Green smoothies 3 times a day everyday may not be ideal, especially long term and especially if they are mostly replacing essential carbs, fats and proteins.

People on extremely low calorie diets have been known to faint and develop other health issues, if they lack essential fats and proteins for repair and cell replenishment. Extreme juice diets may lead to issues with blood sugar. A balance of macro and micro nutrients are needed for optimal functioning.

Remember the following for a balanced healthy diet:

  • Vary your smoothie ingredients. Overall, in your diet, include a range of whole, unprocessed foods - Some cooked, some raw.

  • You can put cooked spinach & kale in a smoothie.

  • Don't obsess over one food:- eating one food in large amounts or unnecessary cutting out.

  • Include the right amount of protein, carbohydrates, fats and micronutrients, for your body.

  • Include ferments.

  • The body has a multitude of complex range interactions happening all the time, so it needs the whole range of nutrients in order to be healthy and carry out all the functions to keep you feeling fabulous. Many of the minerals and vitamins from food are stored in the body, for when it needs them, so we don't need any one particular food everyday.

  • Mix it up: Include a range of smoothies as well as green; some may include flax meal, soaked chia seeds, yoghurt, nut meal, herbs, banana, occasional collagen etc, - all depending on your energy, nutrient and fibre needs. Other additions may sometimes include aloe vera, moringa or your own tailored ingredients & herbs. It depends on your individual health needs.

  • A smoothie may sometimes replace a meal. Other times it's good to drink one with a meal, to enhance nutrient absorption and regulate blood sugar.

  • For good iron absorption include a vitamin C-rich fruit with the greens (tomato, orange, pineapple, berries)

NOTE: Since collagen is a popular addition at the moment, before adding collagen - see blog 6th May 2021. Some can be useful, too much can create calcium build up and cause digestion issues. Again, balance is key.

I love a couple of green smoothies a week. I drink a small glass, then put the remainder in a jar for the next day. Glass jars are recyclable, better than plastic and great for shaking up the smoothie again. I tend to feel like more of these in summer (and swap for soups in winter).

My big smoothie tip is adding avocado. It is deliciously creamy and adds healthy fats and fibre, along with a range of micro-nutrients.

Fab leafy greens include: kale, collard greens, micro greens, beetroot/beets, Swiss chard, spinach, water-cress, nasturtium leaves, radish tops, fresh herbs such as parsley, coriander & mint.

Green smoothies are packed with vitamins & minerals for great overall health and reducing risk of disease. They are cleansing & nourishing. Enjoy trying out different smoothie combos & stay healthy everyone xxx

If you are facing challenges with your health and would like to find out more about health coaching, book at chat! 30 mins free, I look forward to chatting with you.

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