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Fast & Easy rice bowl. Balanced nutrition, & great leftovers.

Updated: Sep 28, 2022

This kind of meal is a staple in our house. It's so flexible, easy and can be enjoyed cold as a salad in summer and warm in winter. It works with your choice of proteins.

Although cooking from scratch is usually best, I appreciate that so many people don't have much time! So, I love sharing quick eats and a few cheat options. When I'm in a hurry, I occasionally use pre-prepared organic brown rice sachets.

*For more info about rice, scroll to the bottom and click on the link.

Read on for recipe...

What do do:

Simply toss the following ingredients into a large bowl...

  • 1 or 2 cups of prepared brown rice - seek rice blog below

  • Couple of handfuls of raw, salted pistachios

  • Roughly chopped mushrooms

  • Half an apple

  • A big handful of chopped dates

  • 1/4 cup hemp seeds & or some sesame seeds

  • Chopped radish, spring onions

  • Fresh & dried herbs, turmeric & pepper to taste.

  • Lightly steam/boil some green beans.

  • Dressing: Add a dash or 2 of Tamari, Extra Virgin Olive oil and lemon or lime. A squeeze of fresh orange will add a sweet flavour and vitamin C.

Toss everything through the rice, (either warm or cold), add a generous amount of good olive oil and a squeeze of lemon. Add a dash of Tamari, which is a fermented food, good for your beneficial gut bacteria. Tamari is salty, so there's no need to add salt to this dish.

Although it's good to train our tastebuds to enjoy less salt, a little salt is essential. Remember, restaurant food is often loaded with too much salt.

Tips to create a yummy vegan meal:

  1. Crunch, sweet, salty,

  2. shallots, a fruit, nuts & seeds, fresh herbs, dried herbs,

  3. Range of colours & textures.


2 or more types of protein & protein in this meal are the pistachios & hemp seeds. For a heartier meal, add some other protein such as: tofu, tempeh, pasture-raised meat, egg, feta, lentils, beans, more nuts & seeds.

Use organic brown or wild rice. It's better to cook your own, so the rice can be soaked for several hours first - better for nutrient bioavailability and gut health.

TIP White rice is simply brown rice with the husk removed. This is where most of goodness is stored, such as some B group vitamins B1, B3, B6 & B5, and fibre, energy. Minerals include: phosphorus, selenium, magnesium & manganese.

This is a 5 inch/13 cm bowl.

Perfect lunch left-over bowl - just add a few other bits & pieces from the fridge! I had time to boil some eggs ( there were 2, but I ate one before taking the photo!)

This is a balanced meal - with protein, fats, fibre, carbs & micronutrients such as antioxidants, vitamin C, omegas, nitric oxide

TIP - the vitamin C in the apple with help absorb small amounts of iron from the rice, greens and egg.

*See blog, 28th June on iron.


  • Use only pasture-raised egg - (or any animal product)

  • Use non-GMO foods - especially if using Tofu

  • Preferably organic ingredients, or natural as possible

  • Preservative-free dried fruit.

Your health is your wealth! Would you like increased wellness, but have struggled to get there? Book a 30 minute, free chat to find out ways to be empowered to change habits & eat well. Check out my website and instagram to find out more too. Laura x

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