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Egg - A perfect little capsule of nourishment. Most of the nutrients are in the yolk.

Updated: Apr 15, 2022

Eggs possess all 9 of the essential amino acids (ones which our body can't make).

They contain protein for growth and repair of cells and vitamin A - an antioxidant which is essential for eye health, and much more! They contain some amount of almost every vitamin & mineral. Including choline & B12.

Eggs are an excellent source of nutrients, including protein, Omega 3 and Omega 6 fats, vitamin A, B2 and B12 & D and minerals; iron, choline, folate, zinc.

Vitamins A,E,D & K are fat soluble, so we need the healthy fats in eggs in order to gain, or absorb these into the body. Surround your eggs with a rainbow of vegetables, to maximise nutrient absorption.

There's a synergy in food; micronutrients help each other absorb into the body. EG; The vitamin K in spinach will be absorbed by consuming with a food rich in healthy fats, such as an egg, fish, cheese, meat or nuts.

Eggs possess lutein and zeaxanthin, anti-oxidants which are great for eye health, both are found in the yolk.

Cholesterol: It is true that eggs contain LDL cholesterol (the bad one) however, much of the cholesterol in your body is made by the liver.

Healthy eggs, consumed in a balanced healthy diet with plenty of vegetables, do not increase the LDL cholesterol in your body.

Eggs can actually increase the "good" (HDL) cholesterol, which the body needs in order to remove LDL cholesterol. This decreases risk of heart disease.

Egg whites are protein rich,

but the yolk is where most of the nutrients are,

especially micronutrients (vitamins and minerals).

The idea of eating only the egg white has become a popular way to maximise protein, without the fat.

The yolk is packed with healthy fats, so unless there's a specific need for only egg whites- say in a soufflé, cutting out the yolk is crazy.

The whole egg is nutrient rich and eggs are perfect just as they are.

Eggs have been in and out of favour of the years. When I was a teenager in the 80's, eggs were being blamed for contributing to heart attacks and high cholesterol.

Research has since found that those issues were more likely to have been caused by eating factory raised eggs, processed foods, sugar, trans fats and lack of healthy plant foods and fibre.

Sourcing pasture-raised eggs is essential.

Hens in caged settings, are fed grain. Much of the grains fed to caged hens are genetically modified, especially in USA, Brazil, China & India. In Australia, the feed is typically not GMO - at least for now! Caged hens are potentially routinely fed antibiotics & hormones, have no room to move, have no access to sunshine or display natural behaviours such as the pecking order, taking dust baths and foraging for food. It's inhumane.

Sad hen=Sad egg.

Natural, outdoor living means hens

are exposed to a range of bacteria, which helps them to have healthy gut micro-biome.

Hens are omnivores and enjoy a wide range of foods, including plants and grubs and insects. They pick up minerals from pecking in the soil. Eggs labelled "veggs" etc is just marketing. If these chickens are purely vegetarian, then they won't be as healthy and also will be kept off natural pasture, since they wouldn't be vegetarian if they are eating plenty of grubs in the soil outside!

Healthy, pasture-raised eggs have the

right balance of Omega 3 & 6. This is the opposite in factory raised meat & eggs.

One of my chooks strutting her stuff!

Enjoy eggs as part of a balanced diet including wide range of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, honey and quality pasture-raised animal protein.

Stay healthy everyone! Feel free to follow The Natural Space on FB & Instagram. Laura x

Remember, I'd love to chat with you. Book up a 30 minute free consultation.

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