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Cashew cream- an easy fridge staple. mmm 😋...

Updated: Sep 8, 2022

This delicious culinary delight isn't just for vegans and dairy free dishes! Everyone should have this in their repertoire.

When I first started getting into cashew cream a few years ago, I thought, why on earth didn't I use it before now!?

It's versatile, healthy, packed with fibre, protein & healthy fats. Vegan, gluten & dairy free! Easy to make, interesting to play with different flavours. It's a great pairing with so many foods. It can swing to sweet or savoury!

Of course it tastes different from cream & white sauces, however blended cashews have an easy flavour and texture to fall in love with.

Cashews also contain magnesium, zinc, B6 & B1 and other vital minerals including copper, which are essential for energy production, brain health and a strong immune.

The fats in cashews help reduce LDL cholesterol, reducing risk of heart disease.

They have anti-oxidants too... What's not to love?

Cashew cream is easier to digest than whole cashews, since the nuts are soaked and blended.

When nuts are soaked, the enzyme inhibitors and phytic acid are broken down, which makes them easier to digest and improves bioavailability of nutrients.

How To Make the cashew cream:

Soak one cup raw (preferably organic) cashews, in 2 cups filtered water. Leave at room temperature for 2-3 hours, cover with a tea towel if need be. Rinse, add fresh water and other desired ingredients, blend. Enjoy. It'll keep in the fridge for a few days. Adding a little salt and lemon juice will help it to keep a little longer.

Store in a glass jar, so it can easily be shaken up.

20 ways to use Cashew Cream:

  1. Stir a dollop through soup, instead of cream

  2. in curries - to create a creamy sauce

  3. Add salt, pepper and spices for savory

  4. Add cinnamon, coconut milk or raw honey for sweet flavours

  5. For a simple healthy snack, simply use as a dip with vegetables or crackers

  6. blend with other vegetables to create a variety of dips

  7. Use in place of cream in pavlova, cakes, tarts and deserts, with fruit

  8. Topping for baked potatos

  9. Béchamel sauce replacement in lasagne - so much quicker to make too!

  10. Top layered veggie bakes, then sprinkle with almond meal for interest and crunchy topping

  11. Add Moroccan spices and drizzle over roast pumpkin and chick peas

  12. Create a mushroom sauce to top steaks (grass-fed of course)

  13. Nachos topping

  14. Ice creams & yoghurt.

  15. Pairs well with chocolate, coffee, dates and fruits.

  16. Smoothies

  17. Chia puddings

  18. mash into spuds

  19. spread onto sandwiches

  20. stir into oatmeal....

How do you like to enjoy cashew cream?

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Laura. :)

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