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Nitric Oxide, for healthy heart & lungs.

Updated: Aug 12, 2022

Nitric oxide (NO) is a molecule, which your body produces naturally, from the nutrients you eat. It causes blood vessels to relax and improves circulation.

NO is often known for its role in heart health, but it also supports healthy lung function.

Nitric oxide allows blood, oxygen and nutrients to effectively flow through the body.

(* this is one of my favourite photos from my veggie patch)

10 tips for how to increase nitric oxide in the body:

1. Increase foods which will help boost Nitric Oxide levels.

  • lettuce, micro-greens, cress

  • beetroot, beet greens

  • spinach, swiss chard

  • apple

  • kiwi, orange and other vitamin C rich foods

  • arugula/rocket/roquette

  • garlic

  • cabbage, kale, bok-choy

2. Ensure intake of anti-oxidant foods, which help break down the Nitric Oxide enabling the body to use it.

  • Blueberries, goji berries, raspberries

  • Kale, red cabbage

  • Beetroot, (beets) Carrots

  • Avocado, almonds, sunflower seeds

  • Artichokes

  • Spices such as Turmeric + black pepper

  • Dried fruit

  • Olive oil, (cold-pressed, virgin)- used cold/room temp *benefits are reduced through heating

  • Salmon

3. CoQ10 foods will help storage of Nitric oxide in the body. There is Coenzyme Q10 in many foods, including:

  • Organ meats

  • fatty fish

  • Chicken

  • Legumes

  • Nuts and seeds

  • Edamame, pistachios and sesame seeds are good sources

  • Broccoli, oranges, spinach and avocado, in lesser amounts.

4. Vitamin C. The body needs vitamin C to make Nitric Oxide. Vitamin C is essential for so many roles in the body, including skin repair and cell protection. It doesn't store in the body, so have some fresh fruit every day!

  • orange

  • kiwi

  • uncooked leafy greens

  • tomato

  • capsicum

  • mango

  • berries

5. Exercise - to get the blood flowing.

This helps oxygenate the body for better functioning

6. Supplements are available, However, Nitric Oxide and antioxidants are found in a wide variety of foods, so supplements are unlikely to be necessary and may be damaging.

7. Limit use of mouth-wash - Use only natural ones. A few drops of Lemon-balm oil in water is good for mouth hygiene. Mouth wash kills good (as well as bad) bacteria in the mouth, preventing the pathways for the production of Nitric Oxide.

Nitric Oxide produced from nitrate rich vegetables is healthy.

Nitric Oxide is actually a free radical in the body! However, the antioxidants in the fresh foods, offset this action.

When taken out of their natural context, nitrates can be harmful, causing cancer.

Nitrates from vegetables are harmless - and necessary!

Nitrites and nitrates in processed meat are UN-healthy

Nitrites used in processed meats can become carcinogens.

Cancer-causing nitrates and nitrites in these meats, is to do with the processing and the presence of sodium nitrate interacting with amines in the meat. It's complicated.

You don't need to overthink it. Research across many countries conclude that processed meat should be avoided. Especially cured meats such as Frankfurt hotdogs and meats with a pinkish look. Research is ongoing to decipher exactly why this is so.

In essence, avoid all processed meats and when you cook meat, go for low temp or slow cooking.

It's interesting to see the synergy between nutrients in food - how they need to work together for everything to work properly!

Eat well and exercise, for a healthy heart and healthy lungs.

Stay healthy everyone

Love Laura. xx

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