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#1 The "Protein Pack" salad, 10 Fab salads in the salad series - 9 more to go!

Updated: Oct 20, 2021

I've put together 10 complete salad meals to nurture your friendly gut bacteria and keep you happy & healthy

#1. Protein Pack salad. White bean, pistachio & pomegranate.

It's time we put salads back centre stage (along with soups!). It's easy to inject interest in addition to the classic staples of lettuce & cucumber.

Here's number 1 of ten salads, which I hope will inspire you to enjoy variety of flavours & textures. They are all nutrient dense, balanced and will feed the friendly gut bacteria.

A variety of whole foods will nourish your body and keep you healthy.

There's a synergy in food, (much of which potentially hasn't been discovered yet).

Various micronutrients across all real foods interact with each other to promote wellness in your body.

Dressing: Olive oil, lemon, honey, juice from the pomegranate and black pepper

Note: the sweet & salty flavours from the pistachios and feta, pair deliciously with the fresh flavours of the mint & coriander. The cannellini beans tend to take on the flavours around them.

White bean, pistachio & pomegranate...

  • Rocket – 3 handfuls

  • Pistachios – raw salted – 2 tablespoons

  • White beans – 1 can or 450g – stir half the dressing through the beans and dress the rest of the salad when serving

  • Mint & coriander (half cup, chopped, packed)

  • Feta – 150g

  • Shallots x 2 or 3

  • Seeds & juice from 1 Pomegranate

Notes; Confession – I personally just use olive oil, lemon & caramelized balsamic on all my salads most of the time! However adding dressing is fun and a good opportunity to add nutrients & flavour.

  1. All my salads are created to be nutrient dense & tasty

  2. All beans, lentils & grains are soaked – even from tins. check that foods are non GMO & are in BPA free lining tins

  3. Soak nuts & source non GMO were possible

  4. Tofu -non GMO

  5. All produce is as natural and local as possible

  6. When putting your salad together check for: Colour, texture, crunch, flavour, protein.

  7. Dairy is all pasture-raised

  8. Nutrient packed salads for complete meals or as a side – salads make fab to-go food for the next day. *remember to pop some into a take-away container in advance to make it easy to grab and go the next day.

see next blog for Salad # 2: "The Happy Gut" - with foods to feed the beneficial gut bacteria.

Eat Well & Be Well everyone xx.

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