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Eat well. Be well.

Feel fabulous by eating well. Food is our fuel. The Nutrients we eat nourish our bodies, for optimal functioning, healing and wellness. Become a better version of yourself- Improved nourishment means a healthier, happier you! 

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EAT real food. 
fresh produce grown as naturally as possible.


Processed food

Some healthy foods are minimally processed, such as natural yoghurt, cheese, tofu, sourdough rye bread
and kombucha.


Highly- processed foods which are laden with sugar, trans fats, additives, artificial flavors and colours, high fructose corn syrup and corn starch, are non-foods, or food substances. 


The rise of so-called “natural” additives and meat substitutes give rise to concern, since many of these are still highly processed. This changes the structure of the original food. These are popping up everywhere with the rise of the vegan movement.  It is best to keep these foods to a minimum and choose from the array of real foods, spices and herbs which nature provides.


For example, heating olive oil changes its chemical composition, reducing its health benefits and creating potentially dangerous free radicals. It is beneficial when consumed cold, on salads, or drizzled onto food after cooking.







Unprocessed, whole food

The link between healthy food and wellbeing are abundantly clear on our farm. 


Healthy animals and plants are stronger and more disease resistant. Eating fresh healthy produce from our farm makes me feel well, have less allergies, and a strong immune system.


Modern foods in some countries are often grown in unhealthy soil, depleted in nutrients. These are the vitamins and minerals essential for the continual replenishment of new healthy cells in the body.


Healthy chickens lay healthy eggs. Our chooks love a varied diet including fresh greens. Their eggs are especially healthy when they eat fresh broccoli leaves, which are nutrient dense. They love these and lay large eggs, with bright yellow yolks. Pasture-raised eggs (and meat) have a healthy balance of Omega 3 to Omega 6, which is the opposite in factory raised eggs & meat, where the unhealthy imbalance of these nutrients occurs.


Animals raised in factory settings have no room to move and are fed grains, often from GMO crops, which is exposed to pesticides and herbicides.


For good animal health, they need to eat a variety of grasses and plants and to experience natural behaviours. Source pasture-raised food, which is kinder and healthier, for you and the planet.  




Gut health

A healthy gut biome is at the core of
well-being and will come into every conversation we have about feeding the gut bacteria, which are responsible for millions of essential interactions in our bodies every day.



Arrange a 30 minute free chat to find out more.


balanced diet

My aim for all clients is to achieve and maintain optimal well-being by eating a well-balanced healthy diet.  

Add more food! Have you tried cutting out foods and felt deprived? Read on...

4 steps to reaching your health goals:

  • Add healthy food

  • Crowd out

  • Clean eating

  • Healthy habits

Eating well often means eating more food! Changing nutritional direction can be challenging, and deprivation is commonly experienced by people who have tried cutting out all their usual foods, skipping meals and fasting. This is especially hard if more physical activity is added, without adding the right food fuel.   

Many people have found success by adding healthy foods, before cutting out any favourites. The next step is to gradually crowd out the processed foods and increase nourishing foods. Adding more, rather than cutting out, works well when we are introducing new foods, adjusting to change, and creating healthy habits for life.

Adding more whole foods increases nutrient intake, allowing gut healing, leading to achieving optimum weight and feeling good. Gradually, the unhealthy foods are crowded out.   


I design an individual eating plan to suit your lifestyle and goals. Together, we will create strategies for how to incorporate movement and exercise with healthy eating.


To find out more about how our coaching sessions will shape your health, arrange a free, friendly 30-minute chat. Just head to the contact page. I look forward to empowering you to reach your health goals. 

My philosophy includes sharing knowledge, being receptive to ideas and exploring new information. The focus is on nourishing your body so you can enjoy optimal health. 


Digestive health can be a major challenge. Understanding and nurturing gut health is key to a healthy body and healthy mind.

Your healthy gut bacteria are responsible for a huge range of interactions and messages sent throughout your body. They can be sensitive to toxins which disrupt these essential activities. Together, we identify ways to reduce additives and exposure to toxins from food and the environment.


Guidance is given in the coaching sessions for what a healthy intake of nutrients means, by learning how to source food which is pasture-raised and grown as naturally as possible. I support my clients’ life-style choices without judgement, whilst we explore all the information and options together.  Then, we make a plan for becoming a healthier you!


Holistic Nutrition embraces good food for a healthy body and healthy mind. A balanced diet, with plentiful vegetables to nourish, rejuvenate and energise.

-no fads, just real food.

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