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Hello, I’m Laura Pennington. My aim is to empower and coach you to on your journey to better wellness by shaping new healthy habits. I am a certified Holistic Nutrition Coach (AFPA), have Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood, including nutrition (Macquarie University) and a certificate in Holistic Farm Management. 


I always say, “Good health is rooted in the health of our soil and the health of our gut microbiome”.


My passion for health and wellness began 35 years ago when my Mum would pass food around, pointing out which nutrient was in each food!   I might not have taken a whole lot of notice at the time!  However, I’m so glad she sparked this love of beautiful, healthy food. 


I’m an Australian, who spent the growing years in the UK and many years on the Northern Beaches of Sydney. Growing up began in the English countryside, surrounded by a family of garden lovers and veggie growers. This fed my passion for healthy produce and an ongoing journey of research, courses, and learning.   


Since 2010, home is our farmhouse, on an undulating 100 acres nestled in the beautiful Barrington Coast region, with my husband and two children, who have grown into amazing adults. The four of us built the house, farm infrastructure and gardens with great help from friends and family. My happy place is being in the kitchen garden, rejoicing in every new seedling and throwing broccoli leaves over the fence to my chickens. 


Connections & Learning

Moving to our farm, created opportunities for further learning, through trial and error along with a plethora of courses and workshops on soil health, farming, composting, growing food, fermenting food, business, nutrition, and reflexology.


I have a network of accomplished, inspiring health professionals and farmers, who hold expertise in acupuncture, permaculture, biodynamic farming, yoga, meditation, naturopathy, lymphatic system, Bowen therapy, functional medicine, and nutrition.


Gut Health & Mineral Balance

One of the best workshops was where a farmer explained how our gut health is dependent upon: The food we eat; the gut health of the cows and chickens; gut health of the worms in the soil in which our food is grown; gut health of the worms in the compost farm.  All of which starts literally, with the “gut” health of the microbes in our soil.

He explained how supplementing animals and people with minerals can have differing impacts, and how there is a synergy between micro-nutrients in our foods.  Our bodies interact with these nutrients in complex ways, for optimal absorption and balance.  

Too much of one mineral can block the absorption of another or enable too much of one mineral to be absorbed into the body.


A couple of examples of the importance of mineral balance in the body: To absorb vitamin d, we need the right balance of minerals including zinc, calcium, and iron.   Vitamin d is essential for good health, including strong bones and immune function. It is associated with calcium absorption and absorbing too much calcium is detrimental.


Vitamin C helps iron absorb into the body, from all types of iron sources. A female client’s iron was too high. She was taking high doses of vitamin C. Once the supplement was dropped and she continued eating the diet of plenty of plant foods, some meat and fish, the iron level dropped to a normal range again. Fueling the body properly will help ensure the correct mineral balance for a healthy happy you!


These experiences have deepened my understanding of how our health is connected to healthy soil and healthy produce. 


We lived in Colorado for a few years, which was an exciting opportunity to explore different foods and health challenges and have both friends and clients across the globe. 

Personal Health Journey

My personal journey is that I have always had to work hard for physical and mental strength, resilience, energy, and sense of well-being, that seemed to come easily to others. 

There’s history of mental illness and cancer in the family, which spurred me on to aim for optimal health.


Whilst there is a myriad of causes of mental health issues, nurturing a healthy gut biome plays a major role and certainly helped me to become more mentally resilient and build confidence.  

My Diet

Earlier in my life I have previously eaten meat and plenty of pasta and have tried periods of gluten and dairy free. My understanding of what a body needs to be healthy, is to nurture gut health by consuming a balanced diet of wholefoods, sourced from natural ingredients.  Plenty of plant foods, sprouts & ferments, a variety of protein sources, including legumes, nuts, seeds, eggs, meat, fish, and tempeh. A diet rich in fibre, including soaked quinoa, sweet potato and legumes will feed the friendly gut bacteria, which run most of what happens in your body! Refined process foods are out, and real foods are in! Although I’m a vegetarian, who eats occasional fish, I will guide you to eat in a way which is palatable and nutritious for you. This is likely to  differ from how I eat, because we are all unique. 


Spending time in nature is an old chestnut, and sounds like a modern cliché, but is an integral part of being healthy.  A walk outside, amongst the trees, near a river or the beach is a part of my day which comes first. Appreciating nature and connecting with land is good for the soul. 


I am always inspired by healthy older people and often ask their secret to health and longevity, they nearly always say, “a positive attitude,” “a balanced diet with plenty of vegetables,” “exercise,” and “community connection.”


I offer friendly, non-judgmental coaching. Let’s start with a free 30-minute chat to see how we can work together to improve your health. 

I look forward to chatting with you!  


There’s only one you! So, nurture your amazing body and start today! It’s time to look at what goes in and on your body.


I respect the previous, indigenous caretakers of this land we call home, the Biripi and Worimi peoples. There are many groups which walked and still walk these lands.



My passion for health...

The passion for health further deepened when we embraced a tree-change and moved to our hundred-acre property in 2010.


Our key passion; to produce natural,
“paddock-to-plate” produce.


The next ten years brought a journey of learning and discovery which epitomised that healthy bodies start with healthy soil in which to grow healthy food. Picking fresh herbs, vegetables, salad greens and fresh eggs from our beloved chooks are always daily pleasures.

Basket Fruit and veg.jpg

I grew Aloe Vera, created products and enjoyed being a part of a thriving farmer’s market. This was a rich opportunity to listen to people and gather truly inspiring stories from people who had used the power of healthy food to heal themselves.


During this time, I often questioned what I ate. My diet was healthy, so why didn’t I feel truly energised, stronger and look more vital?


I delved into wider research on a range of diets and the mind-gut connection.  I learned more about micro-nutrients and the gut biome and decided to increase my intake of nutrient dense foods. Essentially, this meant adding more vegetables and salad greens. Veggies became snacks, not just foods to have with the evening meal. Vegetable soups, salads and green smoothies took centre stage, along with an increase in nuts, seeds and fermented foods. Relishing newfound, abundant energy, I felt amazing. My nails grew, my breathing improved, and my outlook took on renewed positivity.

Surrounded by a passionate community of people who believe in a natural, balanced approach to health, my knowledge grew.   I completed a course in Holistic Management and attended dozens of workshops about growing produce, soil biology, fermented foods, compost teas and gut health (of people and farm animals).  Researching the healthiest groups of people in the world, has created a deep understanding that a diet for everyday vitality includes bountiful plant foods.


Good nourishment, exercise, social connection and a positive outlook, are the things we need in order to thrive.

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